Voltamos com os Links da Semana no início do semestre 2013.2. No cardápio, smart cities, internet das coisas, big data e o tempo, Norbert Wiener e mais…
Rio de Janeiro integra Bilhete Único a smartphones
“O sistema de bilhete único do Rio de Janeiro, que integra ônibus, trens e barcas, passará por um teste ao longo dos próximos três meses com a tecnologia NFC (Near Field Communications).”
Visualizing the America’s Cup through Mobile Signals
“But some interesting things happened from July to September during the race, and AirSage’s visibility of anonymous mobile signaling data in the vicinity is a story in itself.”
Tweet-bot @horse_ebooks
Um video do PBS Idea Channel sobre o tweet-bot @horse_ebooks, famoso ator não humano da rede social que foi desmacarado. Vale assistir já que levanta algumas questões referentes a actantes e sua ‘subjetividade’.
“Camera cops: digital spying in Rio’s most dangerous slums”
Policiais no Rio com câmera de vigilância nos celulares acomplada ao uniforme.
“(…) Over the past year, officers in parts of Rio have begun testing a tool called Smart Policing: an Android smartphone application designed to automatically record and store everything an officer hears and sees while on patrol. Developed under a partnership between Google and the Igarapé Institute, a Rio-based think tank, the app uploads encrypted video footage to a cloud server and, in case of a chase or emergency, can stream live feeds to police headquarters.(…)”
SmartThings makes it simpler to control the Internet of Things
Internet das coisas e kits para controlar o mundo!
“(…) SmartThings wants to be the connective tissue between physical objects and Internet apps. As more devices are networked together, people will need a new way to relate to these objects and put the Internet of Things to work in practical ways. This is the challenge that drives SmartThings CEO Alex Hawkinson. He asks, ‘How do we bring the benefits of this technology wave to the average household?’ (…)”.
“La nouvelle écologie du temps”
Excelente texto, mais um, do Internet Actua sobre big data e valor na instantaneidade da troca de informações.
“(…) Dans une étude publiée tout récemment par la revue Nature, et dirigée par un chercheur de l’université de Miami, quelques chiffres sont rappelés : par exemple, un câble transatlantique, spécialement dédié aux échanges financiers, est en train d’être tiré entre les bourses de New York et Londres, dans le but de gagner 5 millisecondes dans les communications. 5 millisecondes… Alors que dans la plupart des activités humaines, le temps de réaction est estimé à 1 seconde environ.(…)”.
“We can be humble and live a good life with the aid of the machines, or we can be arrogant and die”. Assim termina o texto visionário Norbert Wiener. Texto encomendado pelo NYT (mas não foi publicado). Bom para pensar as origins do presente.