Links da Semana

Links da Semana #7

Big data aplicado às cidades:

“By taking advantage of cloud computing, advanced display technology, and rich collections of data, people can simultaneously view answers to the most important questions that impact today’s cities. In addition, they can interact and provide their own user-generated content. Ultimately, they will be able to have the key to understanding— unified authoritative data in comparative format.”

Wearable Technology Must Offer Insights, Not Just Data. –

Darryl McDonald da Terabyte questiona o valor das wearable techs lembrando que o mero acúmulo de dados, não importa o quão pessoal estes sejam não produzem insights, portanto não produzem valor para o consumidor. Ele considera o iWatch, o Google Glass e o Nike fuek band como exemplos de tecnologias pós-desktop, que ainda não utilizam de fato o potencial das novas potencialidades inauguradas pela Bid Data.

The visual signature of your city – Imagens do instagram funcionando como Big Data para análise em pesquisa.

“Their metadata can illustrate where people take photos, and how active they are. In at least one case, researchers have also been able to break down the architectural details contained in photos of urban streetscapes. But on the whole, how do you aggregate useful data about entire cities and the differences between them from the content of millions of photos on a site like Instagram?”

New Frontiers for (Digital) Sociology? – Métodos Computacionais e sua Relação para com a ‘nova’ Sociologia:

Mike Savage vem, ao longo dos últimos anos, travando uma cruzada pela modernização dos métodos sociológicos. A Sociology, revista britânica de sociologia, tem sido a arena no qual esta discussão tem sido empreendida. Neste post, Huw Davies faz um apanhado tanto da discussão como de possíveis caminhos da informática os quais vem sendo apropriados pelo que alguns defendem como sendo o campo da Sociologia Digital. “Ontologies introduce another layer of functionality to this scenario. They are not ontologies as we understand them in sociology; in computer science it’s a framework for organising data in a way that gives it meaning. Ontologies allow computers to ‘learn’ the semantics of relationships between data. For the more technically minded here’s how the BBC are using an ontology to characterise news stories”.

The TAO of Wi-Fi – O que o nome do HotSpot tem a dizer.

“Rubin was reminded of Georg Simmel’s ‘The Metropolis and Mental Life,’ written in Berlin in 1903: ‘He wrote about the difficulty in asserting individual personality within the dimensions of metropolitan life. One solution was to adopt ‘tendentious peculiarities,’ mannerisms (of dress, speech, etc.) or other extravagances to attract attention and thus bolster self-esteem. Is the wireless network name one such peculiarity?'”

Uma biografia do filósofo Gilbert Simondon –

“Gilbert Simondon was sensitive early on to both technical and human problems posed by the development of mechanization in industry and in agriculture, with which he was in contact growing up in Saint-Etienne, a city of mines and factories close to Mount Pilat, Puy-de-Dôme, and Haute-Loire, from which he would derive many examples. But he was also sensitive to conflicts between cultural values and representations related to technics. This would be explicated in his complementary thesis,On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects, supported in 1958 under the direction of Georges Canguilhem, and published the same year by Aubier-Montaigne as the first title of a collection on analysis and reasons led by Martial Guéroult and Jules Vuillemin, as well as in very many articles and conferences (such as Psychosociology of Technicity).

He methodically learned different techniques from his years in school, writing in 1954: “I learned the history of the physical and engineering sciences, this last effort being by no means completed.” From the introduction of the book On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects he refers, time and again, to technophobia and technophilia as two serious excesses of the era that are ways to ignore “the burden of alienated human reality which is enclosed in the technical object,” and tries to pave the way for a proper reflection on technics and its relationship to culture.”

Por uma “Cidade Hacker”, com a urbanista holandesa Sassia Sasken –

“Las tecnologías usadas por los que tienen el poder se van generando a través de la recurrencia de una red, se va construyendo un todo”, aseguró Sassen. Y el recurso y el acceso de estos vecindarios, de la ciudad propiamente dicha a las tecnologías contribuyen precisamente a “desestabilizar” ese todo. Y eso que, detalló la socióloga holandesa, en ocasiones en las ciudades “se produce la implantación de procesos cerrados que se denominan interactivos porque dejan pulsar cinco botoenes”. Y “eso no es interactivo”, apuntó. Sí lo es la actuación de las “especifidades”, que pueden “desestabilizar la lógica del espacio urbano”.